The Smart Dashcam
Detect distracted driving and automate coaching with the Smart Dashcam.
Upcoming Webinar
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Unlock your limited-time offer

Find out how you can qualify for free ELD, Dashcam, and Asset Gateway hardware
By submitting this form, you are consenting to receiving marketing communications and phone calls from KeepTruckin. You acknowledge that you can opt out anytime and have read and agree to KeepTruckin's Privacy Policy . This offer only available to new customers. KeepTruckin reserves the right to withdraw any product or amend discounts, credits or other offers without prior notice. Further restrictions, terms, and conditions apply.

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Unlock your limited-time offer

Find out how you can qualify for free ELD, Dashcam, and Asset Gateway hardware
By submitting this form, you are consenting to receiving marketing communications and phone calls from KeepTruckin. You acknowledge that you can opt out anytime and have read and agree to KeepTruckin's Privacy Policy . This offer only available to new customers. KeepTruckin reserves the right to withdraw any product or amend discounts, credits or other offers without prior notice. Further restrictions, terms, and conditions apply.
4.7/5 rating on TrustPilot
Trusted by over 100,000 fleets and 1 million drivers
24/7 technical support
Detect distracted driving and automate coaching with the Smart Dashcam.
Detect Distracted Driving
Our solution uses AI to detect and alert you of dangerous behaviors like distracted driving and tailgating.
Automate Driver Coaching
The DRIVE risk score identifies your riskiest drivers and shows the behaviors they need to work on. Drivers can watch their own videos and track progress with an easy-to-use app.

Reduce Your Insurance Costs
Use dashcam footage to expedite insurance claims, reduce insurance premiums, and avoid a verdict that could end your business.
Install In Minutes
Installation takes less than 10 minutes and doesn’t require a mechanic. If the Smart Dashcam is disconnected, you’ll receive a real-time alert.
A Complete Fleet Management Platform
Our solution consolidates driver safety, GPS tracking, maintenance management, and more into a single platform.
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Webinar Details
Complete the form to Register
By submitting this form, you are consenting to receiving marketing communications and phone calls from KeepTruckin. You acknowledge that you can opt out anytime and have read and agree to KeepTruckin's Privacy Policy. This offer only available to new customers. KeepTruckin reserves the right to withdraw any product or amend discounts, credits or other offers without prior notice. Further restrictions, terms, and conditions apply.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Andrew Smith
Product Specialist — KeepTruckin
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since 1500s.
Nancy Silva
Opeartions — KeepTruckin
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since 1500s.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
47 min
Getting Started
— Mar 25, 2019
How to get most out of Keeptruckin
47 min
Getting Started
— Mar 25, 2019
How to get most out of Keeptruckin
47 min
Getting Started
— Mar 25, 2019
How to get most out of Keeptruckin
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Ready to try the #1 ELD for yourself?
Frequently asked questions
Yes, the KeepTruckin Driver App and KeepTruckin Fleet Dashboard are available in Canadian French.
Yes, the KeepTruckin Driver App and KeepTruckin Fleet Dashboard are available in Canadian French.
Yes, the KeepTruckin Driver App and KeepTruckin Fleet Dashboard are available in Canadian French.
Yes, the KeepTruckin Driver App and KeepTruckin Fleet Dashboard are available in Canadian French.
Yes, the KeepTruckin Driver App and KeepTruckin Fleet Dashboard are available in Canadian French.
Yes, the KeepTruckin Driver App and KeepTruckin Fleet Dashboard are available in Canadian French.